Webinar The Post-Human Animal co-organized by the ABIDE team
24/10/2024 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal
Roundtable discussion co-organized by the ABIDE team together with the EDGES project
22/10/2024 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal
Animal Wonder: reading group on Human-Animal studies organized by Chiara Beneduce
09/10/2024 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)
Animal day HAS-Hub Conference co-organized by the ABIDE team.
04/10/2024 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal
Opening session of the 3rd edition of the Animals & Society course, co-organized by the ABIDE team
17/09/2024 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)
Animal Wonder: reading group on Human-Animal studies co-organized and presented by Filipa Soares
19/06/2024 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)
HAS-Hub International Seminar co-organized by Verónica Policarpo with Envisioning Sustainability HUB/Oulu University's Biodiverse Anthropocenes
04/06/2024 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)
Animal Wonder: reading group on Human-Animal studies organized by Verónica Policarpo
13/12/2023 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)
Seminar co-organized by Verónica Policarpo with UCL (UK) + Welcome Trust
26/10/2023 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal
Lecture co-organized by Verónica Policarpo with the project ERC – ECO Amazónia
04/10/2023 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal
Conference co-organized by Verónica Policarpo with CEF- UCoimbra
26/09/2023 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal
by Filipa Soares @ AGWG Multispecies Methods Workshop
06/06/2024, Royal Geographical Society, London.
ABIDE Panel at the online conference Contested & Erased Energy Knowledges, made by Kuain Shen, Verónica Policarpo and José Luís Zêzere
31/10/2024 @ Dundee University, UK (online)
by Verónica Policarpo @ ANIMALIA Summer School 2024
26/07/2024, Nova FCSH, Portugal .
by Verónica Policarpo @ Envisioning Sustainability Seminar, Biodiverse Anthropocenes
18/04/2024, Oulu University, Finland (online).
by Verónica Policarpo @ Monocultures: Eco-Cultural Perspectives - EcoAmazonia
16/02/2024, Coimbra University, Portugal.
Funded by the European Union (ERC, ABIDE, nº 101043231). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.