ABIDE activities

Digital Technology & Society + Animal Wonder joint session

Animal Wonder: reading group on Human-Animal studies co-organized and presented by Filipa Soares

19/06/2024  @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)

The Creativity And Cultures Of Animals: A Critical And Creative Theory Perspective

Carol Gigliotti

HAS-Hub International Seminar co-organized by Verónica Policarpo with Envisioning Sustainability HUB/Oulu University's Biodiverse Anthropocenes

04/06/2024 ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)

ABIDE team internal workshop


13 to 17/05/2024 @ CISE + CERVAS, Portugal

Etho-ethnology and ethno-ethology

Animal Wonder: reading group on Human-Animal studies organized by Verónica Policarpo

13/12/2023 ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal (online)

Embodied inequalities of the Anthropocene

Seminar co-organized by Verónica Policarpo with UCL (UK) + Welcome Trust

26/10/2023 @ ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal

Amazonian Animals in Contemporary Brazilian Literature

Maria Esther Maciel

Lecture co-organized by Verónica Policarpo with the project ERC – ECO Amazónia

Recording (Youtube)

04/10/2023 ICS-Ulisboa, Portugal


Attuning to animal’s experiences of recovering from wildfires: some methodological and ethical considerations

by Filipa Soares @ AGWG Multispecies Methods Workshop

06/06/2024, Royal Geographical Society, London.

Presentations by invitation

Animal Ressurgences: studying catastrophes through the perspectives of animals

by Verónica Policarpo @ Animal Studies Day

21/05/2024, Aveiro University, Portugal (online).

Animal experiences: learning from animals how to recover from disasters

by Verónica Policarpo @ Envisioning Sustainability Seminar, Biodiverse Anthropocenes

18/04/2024, Oulu University, Finland (online).

Funded by the European Union (ERC, ABIDE, nº 101043231). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.