ABIDE acronym and logo


... stands for dwelling, abiding, abode, a place of living. It represents symbolically the aspiration to build a safe place for multispecies cohabitation, one where both human and nonhuman animals may all live together, cooperate and flourish. This topos exists in multi-layered spaces and times: epistemological, symbolic and ontological. At the epistemological level, this is a space of knowing animals, discerning their worlds and lives conceptually and methodologically. At the symbolic level, it is a space for representing animals and their relationships with the humans and the more-than-human. At the ontological level, ABIDE is a space where all animals involved – human and nonhuman, including the team of researchers – co-become together, experiencing personal transformation in the process of discovery of the worlds and lives of animals.

The acronym also draws on the project’s keywords: A from Animals; B and I from aBIdings; D and E from DisastErs.


... was created by the visual artist and researcher ROD (Rodrigo Ribeiro Saturnino) and is based on a combination of graphic elements that represent the project's objectives. The flame that turns into the figure of a bird seeks an intrinsic relationship between the resilience of animals during periods of fire. Through their ability to fly, the bird represents the possibility of escape, freedom, and return. At the same time, the ambiguous language of the logo conjures up a reading in which this same animal is the one guarding the lettering of the project in becoming the first letter of ABIDE.

The artist was also responsible for creating the illustrations used on this website and other graphic pieces for the project. To find out more about ROD's work, visit: rodrigoribeirosaturnino.net or via IG: @_rod_ada

create an identity that we all can attune to

Funded by the European Union (ERC, ABIDE, nº 101043231). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.