Animal ABidings: recoverIng from
DisastErs in more-than-human communities

to learn with the animals

Focusing on wildfires as disasters that challenge previous expert knowledge due to climate change and human exploitation of natural resources, we propose to compare three countries where wildfires have taken on increasingly critical proportions: Australia, Brazil, and Portugal. We address a species gap in our knowledge of disasters, and wildfires in particular, by exploring the possibilities of learning with animals how to live and cope with extreme change and uncertainty in wildfire-prone areas.


We seek to build an interdisciplinary framework for addressing humans’ and animals’ ability to build and abide in multispecies communities that are resilient to wildfires and other disasters. We aspire to identify the landmarks of a post-species episteme, and thus push forward the frontiers of knowledge of human-animal relations, as well as contribute to a more-than-human governance of disasters.

ABIDE investigates the experiences of nonhuman animals of catastrophic fires, in three countries: Australia, Brazil and Portugal. It unfolds through four phases or research stages:

countries and regions

ABIDE follows the trace of animals in the aftermath of disasters, in three countries: Australia, Brazil and Portugal. In each country, one particular contact zone was selected. Here, we engage with the local and/or indigenous communities, fully acknowledging ancient ways of engaging with the more-than-human worlds.

attune to, translate and include the perspectives, experiences and histories of animals

Funded by the European Union (ERC, ABIDE, nº 101043231). Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Council Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.